The courses I am currently teaching are in bold.
BUT (University Bachelor of Technology, three-year university degree in technological sciences)
- Web Development (R1.12), 1st year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: algorithms, programming basics, JavaScript language.
- Personal and Professional Project (PPP S2), 1st year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: resume, cover letter.
- Designing a Website with a Data Source (SAE 203), 1st year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: PDO, PHP, databases.
- Information Representation and Processing (R3.15), 2nd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: understanding the use of mathematics for multimedia and information processing (vector representation, matrix calculation, geometric transformations of the plane and space, digital image, image processing).
- Service Deployment (R408), 2nd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen: Versioning with Git and GitHub.
- Back-end Development (R407), 2nd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen: Node.js and npm.
- Designing an Interactive Device (SAE 402), 2nd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen.
- Portfolio Approach, 2nd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: creating an online portfolio and a resume.
- Advanced Front-end Development (R505), 3rd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen: Object-Oriented Programming, TypeScript.
- Interactive Devices (R505), 3rd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen: C#, Unity, Character Animation.
- Developing for the Web or Designing an Interactive Device (SAE 501), 3rd year BUT Multimedia and Internet Professions - Web Development and Interactive Devices track, IUT of Rouen: gamification.
- Scientific Culture and Information Processing S3 (M3201), 2nd year DUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen.
- Algorithmics and Web Development (M2202), 1st year DUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: PHP Programming.
- Object-Oriented Programming (M3203), 2nd year DUT Multimedia and Internet Professions, IUT of Rouen: Object-Oriented Programming.
- Programming Basics (M1207), 1st year DUT Networks and Telecommunications, IUT of Rouen: algorithms, programming basics.
Professional Bachelor's Degree
- JavaScript
- Object-Oriented Programming
- TypeScript
- Node.js et Npm
- Versioning: Git and GitHub
- Unity
Master's Degree
- Computer Vision, Data Science Master, Université de Rouen Normandie.
- Introduction to C programming, International SEE Master, ESIGELEC.
- Microprocessors, International SEE Master, ESIGELEC.
Engineering Degree
- Computer Vision, 3rd-year Engineering student majoring in ISE-VA, ESIGELEC.
- Fundamentals of Vision and Image Processing, 2nd-year Engineering student majoring in ISYMED, ESIGELEC.
- Mobile Robotics and Perception, 3rd-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Digital Systems Interfacing, 2nd-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Microprocessor Systems, 2nd-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Instrumentation and Systems, 2nd-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Computer Architecture, 1st-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Microprocessor Applications, 3rd-year Engineering student majoring in ISE, ESIGELEC.
- Introduction to Embedded Systems and Instrumentation, 1st-year Engineering student in the core curriculum, ESIGELEC.
- Embedded Systems, 3rd-year Engineering student majoring in ISE, ESIGELEC.
- Actuator Control, 2nd-year Engineering student majoring in ISE and MCTGE, ESIGELEC.
Continuing training in enterprises
- Vision and Artificial Intelligence for the Autonomous Vehicle, Training “The technical challenges of the autonomous vehicle”, Renault.